If you're serious about your spiritual evolution,
success in what you care about & getting results,
you're ready to work with me!
Signed in as:
success in what you care about & getting results,
you're ready to work with me!
I'm not here to merely repeat back to you what you already know, I am here to take you to your next level, far beyond what you thought was possible. What awaits you in the vast unknown is more of your own power and potential and, especially, Divinity. You CAN live right here, in this world, while feeling you're in Spirit, surrounded by light, love and total safety. You can raise your perception so above the noise and distraction and chaos and conflict of this world. And you can live in this state CONSISTENTLY.
But here's the thing:
No matter how much growth I - or anyone else - can personally offer you, it will never be as powerful as facilitating the Divine working directly inside of you. The directness of your connection with the Divine will transform you. You will see how amazing it is to live in a way where you receive your power and knowing from within. It cuts all dependency on the external and ends any teacher/guru games. It gives you the confidence to move in the world and act on your truth and passion without fearing the world's response or your own ego's doubt and second guessing. My role in our sessions, which I have been preparing for my whole life, is to facilitate this connection and its miraculous results through Divine Harmonization Meditations (DHMs).
All Divine Alignment Sessions begin with discussion, through which I help you clarify your path and reframe perceptions that are weakening you and not serving you. Yet the highlight of Divine Alignment Sessions is the Divine Harmonizations Meditations I guide you through. These must be done live. If you've never experienced anything like this before, these meditations will transform your world completely. And if you already experience ongoing communication with the Divine, they will deepen your connection and manifest brand new results in your life that you have not experienced yet.
I'm aware of how awesome you are. You are here reading this because you're at a certain level of consciousness, on the journey of more deeply embodying what's widely known as Christ consciousness. DHMs meet you where you are and take you to your next step from there. The Divine always knows what that next step is, although we might not (yet we sure think we do!). DHMs will increase your awareness of the Divine light, love & guidance. While you might know a lot - there is SO MUCH that is yet waiting to come online. It's beyond what you imagine and what you know - and it will come to you straight from Spirit, revealing all that you need to know about who you are, your mission, awakening all of your abilities, and so so so much more.
My job in this is to meditate along with you and facilitate your connection with higher aspects of Existence, as well as to guide you through higher realms if the Spirit takes you there. Divine Harmonizations can never go wrong, because they are Spirit-lead. The Divine knows EXACTLY what you need and when. Doing these week in and week out consistently will completely change your entire perception of yourself (your worth and confidence) and the world.
DHMs were downloaded straight from Source, as a gift to humanity at this time of awakening. It is impossible to fully explain what they are - a person must experinece for themselves, and it may take some a few times to really begin to fathom the immense transformative value DHMs offer.
The first step in any spiritual work ought to be to know WHO is doing it. Who are you? In Sun Ray sessions with me you will come to know more & more deeply Who you are beyond the body, beyond time and space. You are not IN 2024 ON earth - You are merely viewing this sliver of time & space out of the infinity of your Self.
When you know your Self as not limited to space & time, and begin to understand that your world is your Self ex-pressed - you stand on the precipice of creating anything you want.
You've always created your world, but I am here to help you do it consciously and deliberately. Time to boss up with manifestation mentoring!
What's your mission, your special function, the thing your soul signed up to do here? Come all lightworkers, it's time to activate that DNA, to bring your abilities online, to enhance your perception of reality so that you see through dimension and begin to perceive the higher ones.
Through very special meditations called Divine Harmonizations (read below), you will be directly connected with the Divine and healed to the extent that you are ready to accept/receive. Healing will also come through the reframing work I do with you in our sessions, which allow you to view your life situations the same way God or ascended masters view them - as no big deal and no source of worry or anxiety. What made you cry before might make you laugh now. You are just so much more powerful and vast and full of light than you thought, and we all need the EXPERIENTIAL reminder that comes through the sessions.
You will become a source of healing for everyone you come across.
Practicing Divine Harmonization Meditations (read below) consistently leads you to total embodiment of the Divine, so that you become Spirit in action here on earth. You become a literal expression of Heaven on earth. And you experience the power, beauty and love of Heaven right here, on earth. This is the state of being one with the Father, feeling no separation, even while on earth. This world can no longer affect your sense of worth, for you are consistently plugged into the Divine view of you, which is full of love and appreciation and gratitude. You will find that you are unplugged from the 3D matrix of fear, insecurity and difficulty, and are living in the Divine flow, ease and bliss.
Lies create illness - or lack of wellness/wholeness in your system. They begin at the mental level, but with time creep into the emotional & pshyical. Never undersestimate the power of truth! Through Divine Harmonizations (read below) the Divine begins to restore truth to your mind, thus healing you on all levels. I have witnessesd both sudden and gradual healings, on every level from mental to physical. Most reversals (such as reversing disease) take time and consistency, but the improvement can be felt from wek to week.
With consistency, DHMs (Divine Harmonization Meditations) will make you feel a whole lot younger, fresher, vibrant, clear and bright. This is how my 3-decade long chronic fatigue was healed. As the Divine heals those aspects, it also heals all relationships in your life. This is not always easy, some people might need to be left behind, some fears will need to be faced... We are not playing around, we're here to transform!
As you practie Divine Harmonization (read below), new psychic abilities will begin to come online. Your intuition will sharpen. You will become very difficult to lie to or manipulate/deceive. The truth will speak form within you, guiding you in every single moment to the right answer, the right action. You will lose all of your doubt and hesitation. You will simply know what to say or do and when.
Remember that as you become one with the Divine, you are not losing yourself - you are becoming more of yourself!
Through Divine Harmonization Meditations (read below) and other aspects of the work we will be doing, you will find yourself living more and more in a calm and confident state, not easily stirred up by the external world. Safety and security when alone as well as in all your relationships is your birthright.
One of the firt things to happen when you work with me is learning to stay centered at all times. This alone is life-changing.
One of the many things that happens when people begin Divine Hamonizaton Meditation (read below) is that they get to know the beings that are working with them. They don't always reveal who they are, however, unless it might be relevant or useful. What's for sure is that through our work listening to guidance will become second nature. You will come to a point of knowing exactly what is the voice of the ego and what is the voice of truth. This is mastery, actually, as you live 99% of your time in incredible alignment with the Divine. You will experientially understand the meaning of, "I and my Father are one," and "My Father does these works through me," and "I am the way, the life and the truth."
If you aren’t in your power, how can love powerfully flow through you? If you aren’t lit with light, how can it overflow from you to others, as a constant gift that is being offered from your very presence? We need not fear how to move forward in this ever-changing world full of conflict and separation. We can make empowered decisions f
If you aren’t in your power, how can love powerfully flow through you? If you aren’t lit with light, how can it overflow from you to others, as a constant gift that is being offered from your very presence? We need not fear how to move forward in this ever-changing world full of conflict and separation. We can make empowered decisions for ourselves that raise us up, AND also raise the whole world with us. We can be the example, but not through self-compromise or self-sacrifice or playing small.
Help us build a like-minded, loving community, where I post regularly and you can too. Where we support each other as we walk together out of the old world and into the new earth, baby!
Want to know how long the meditations are and what exactly comes with the Love Without Weakness and The Masterclass courses?
***Book a session with Daniel***
"Daniel is one of the very rare teachers who actually embodies what he is teaching. He is the truest guide who will gently but expertly get you in touch with your own inner guidance as you navigate your unique spiritual path. It is clear that he has studied and mastered many different paths, and can guide you no matter where you are on your own path. He has given me so much clarity and support that I am beyond grateful for finding him!!" Allison Sherman
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***Non-duality and Non-Doership***
Read Daniel's book and experience the relief that comes with the understanding that nobody is the doer of their actions. Everything is the absolute happening. Or the absolute, happening.
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***Love Without Weakness: On Setting Boundaries***
This is one of the most needed courses for people on the spiritual path, especially those who have become accustomed to sacrificing their own needs and could use some guidance on separating loving from pleasing.
***See What Participants of THE MASTERCLASS have to say***
Check out the response to Sun Ray's flagship course.
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