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You are awake. You may simply be caught in your dream. The aim of Sun Ray is, through community and 1:1, to help you remember the truth, that you have always been in heaven. All is well.
As we remember Love, our Home, we begin to radiate it into this world that is so thirsty for it. As a result, a new earth is born.
The world is but the projection of our minds. Your awakening is the greatest service you can offer to the world. Anything you will do after your awakening will be from a peaceful (not conflicted) mind, thus your very presence here becomes a tremendous service (even if you are merely sitting at home, enjoying a comedy!).
My approach and the approach of the Sun Ray community, is complete equal honoring and love to all beings, as we are all One Self. I remember who you are, for I remember truth. I just want to remind you of how magnificent you - and All-That-Is - are!
Help me build a space for our Laughing Light family. Come and contribute to a loving & supportive community of like-minded friends, where we can share our hearts and inspirations regularly, as we walk together out of the old world and into the new earth, baby!
The Sun Ray Teaching was started when Daniel masterfully implemented his knowledge on empowerment and the power of decision to change his life around. He had begun teaching others to do the same. Many of the principles Daniel used then can be found in his PDF book Mastering the Skill of Creating Reality, but the real work is done in sessions, where for 8 years Daniel has been guiding his clients to owning their power and using it to change their lives in the desired direction. It's not just nice words, clients report a completely different feeling of themselves and their view on "reality" and life. No one ends the process the same as they began. Helping people attain Self-mastery is one of Sun Ray's goals.
The Sun Ray Teaching emphasized its focus on non-duality towards the end of the 2010s, as Daniel had devoted his efforts to teaching Douglas Harding's Headless Way and the non-doership wisdom of the sages. Much of that wisdom lies between the pages of his book A Kiss from Reality.
It was not until Daniel began formally teaching A Course in Miracles - which he had studied and taught informally since 2011 - that the Sun Ray Community was formed during Corona. Daniel answered Spirit's call to teach - and learn through teaching - and students answered the call to join in the learning and shift their lives dramatically through giving and receiving miracles.The ideas found in A Course in Miracles remain a central vein of the Sun Ray Teaching. While there seems to be a lot of confusion about the teaching of the Course, Daniel seems to be one of the few who truly understands exactly what it says, and totally clearly.
Deep gratitude to the wonderful teachers along the way, with a shout-out to one Karl Renz, and his irreverent approach.
Sun Ray is not just about teaching awakening / nonduality / freedom, but about coming together. Right now there exists a joyous online community, but the hope is that in the future there will be a physical place for those who resonate with the energy of Daniel and Sun Ray to come together.
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