The Love Meditation
- A 10-minute intro video
- A 20-minute core meditation
- A Meditation You Can Do All Throughout The Day (A Living Meditation), and thus -->
- A meditation that integrates into life (not just passive listening)
- A feeling of invulnerability and peace, with practice
- Downloadable audio files (you don't need to be online to listen!)
The aim of this simple yet powerful meditation, is to reveal that whatever sensations, emotions, and thoughts may be moving through you in a given moment, they don't matter at all: Love doesn’t care about any of them—it loves you regardless.
Over time, as you continue to practice this meditation, you will find that you let go of caring about the content of your experience, no longer judging it and trying to control it. Indeed, you will cease mucking about with perfecting the character, and relax into the ever-present Love that you are. Can you already sense how relaxing and liberating that is?
We are loved, no matter what we do—or don’t do. And as you experience this, you begin to feel yourself as one with that Love, realizing that you are not just love, but absolute love—unchanging and eternal. It is very normal that with each listen the message will be heard more and more clearly, like sun rays managing to break through the mind's clouds of amnesia.
The reason I’ve kept the price low is because of how simple it is. Truth is always simple, and what is simple is often profound and powerful. The value of this meditation is such that if and when you "get it"—there is truly nothing else needed.
The "I Am Not A Body" Meditation is an exploration into the 'I'. Who is this 'I' that we always refer to? Is it the body? Is it bound by time and space? We just might make startling discoveries - not in an intellectual way, but an experiential one.
The meditation is 22mins and 33 secs long, and offers a thorough investigation into our true Identity.
The Freedom Meditation (aka "So What I AM") is a 4-part meditation. The main part is the 3rd part, which is 30 mins long. The other parts are rather short and range from 2mins to 7mins. This meditation focuses on being pure awareness, unaffected by all coming & going. It could be considered a detachment practice.
Overall, these are meditations to take your time with. You can listen to them repeatedly, and you can also craft your own practice from them.
The Infinity Meditation
The Boundaries Course (aka Love Without Weakness) is excerpted from the 2021 Masterclass course. Being more for the relative level, it is focused on boundaries and learning to let go of being responsible for the way others feel. There's a lot of empowerment in this one class. It comes with one long video (1hr:30mins or so), plus some written material that is relevant to the topic of empowered loving & living.
This class was taken from the Masterclass and made into its own course due to people's requests to have access to it without having to purchase the entire masterclass. (If you are interested in the full masterclass, please email me here).
Great class for pleasers 🙏🏽
Do keep in mind that the meditations are focused on nonduality, while the course is focused more on empowerment.